Mikil aðsókn á sumarnámskeið Mariu Teresu Uribe í Búdapest

 Nú er komið í ljós að svo mikil aðsókn er á námskeið Mariu Teresu Uribe , að námskeiðin verða tvö talsins dagana 18.-26. júní 2007 og 16.-24. júlí 2007. Söngnámskeiðin sem eru fyrir unga hæfileikaríka söngvara (22-40 ára) verða haldin í Búdapest. 

Kostnaður er 425 evrur eða rúmar 37 þús. kr.  Námskeiðið er til heiðurs Zoltan Kodály en í ár eru 40 ár liðin frá því að hann lést.Kennari er hin þekkta sópransöngkona Maria Teresa Uribe frá Franz Liszt akademíunni í Búdapest. Umsóknum þarf að skila fyrir 31. maí.
Megináherslan verður á ítalskar óperuaríur og ungversk lög  .

Einnig verður farið í útsýnisferðir til Búdapest, Visegrad, Esztergom fyrsta daginn, Hollók og Eger annan daginn og síðasta daginn til Balaton vatnsins.  Þetta er innifalið í námskeiðsgjaldi.
Upplýsingar í síma 3630 202 6725 eða rumt@freemail.hu

Kodály ungversk þjóðlög, hefti I to X.
Kodály   4 lög fyrir einsöng og píanó (Négy dal)
              5 lög fyrir einsöng og píanó (Öt dal)
Verk eftir Hary János and Székelyfonó

Béla Bartók 8 ungversk þjóðlög
                    20 ungversk þjóðlög
                    Opus 15 fyrir messósópran og píanó (hljómsveit) fyrir söngvara með góða reynslu.  Óperuaríur eftir Bellini, Rossini, Donizetti, Verdi og Puccini
Ferenc Liszt : Frjálst val.


                            Mán.       Þri.          Miðv.       Fimmt.     Föst.      Lau.

10                        Kodály    Kodály.    Kodály    Bartók.    Bartók    Bartók

11                        Kodály.   Kodály.    Kodály    Bartók     Bartók    Bartók.    

12                        Ópera    Ópera      Ópera     Ópera     Ópera     Ópera

13                        Ópera    Ópera      Ópera     Ópera     Ópera     Ópera

14                                                       HLÉ

15                        Ópera    Ópera      Ópera     Ópera     Ópera     Ópera

16                        Liszt       Liszt        Liszt        Liszt        Liszt       Liszt

17                        Liszt       Liszt        Liszt        Liszt        Liszt       Liszt


Maria Teresa Uribe, soprano, was born in Santiago de Chile on 1949. She studied music in The Ferenc Liszt  Academy of Budapest. In 1978 she obtained her diploma as opera and chamber music singer, and as vocal technique teacher as well. That same year she was hired by the State Opera House of Hungary, in which she performed  as a soloist until 2001. Between 1983 and 1986, she was invited to the Leipzig Opera where she sang leading roles in the following operas: Forza del Destino, Don Giovanni, Ballo in Maschera and Parsifal. Besides her duties as a soloist in Budapest, she sang in severals performances in the Opera houses of Bulgaria Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, England , Italy  and Columbia.

Her extensive repertoire contains Dido, in Dido and Aeneas by Purcell, as well as Mozart roles such as Donna Anna in Don Giovanni, Arminda in The Finta Giardiniera, and Vitellia in La Clemenza di Tito, and the great veristic roles such as Tosca by Puccini.  She also performs  as  a  concert and oratorio singer, with a wide range of styles that goes from baroque  to the XXth century.

In  1989 she was invited to Chile to  give a course on belcanto technique at the Catholic University of Santiago. In 1991 she gave  a one month course on vocal technique at the Mayer Lissmann Opera Center in London.  In 1993 she  gave a  master course on Spanish music at the State Opera House of Hungary. In the same year  the Pedagogical Institute of the Liszt Academy of Budapest invited her to teach Spanish and French music, as part of the curriculum of the same institute, and since 1997 she has been  titular professor of  vocal technique and French and Spanish vocal music at the same institute. Thanks to the wonderful results she returned to Chile in 1991 and in 1996, and this last time she worked not only  with pupils, but also with the teachers of the Vocal training Cathedra of the  Music Deparment of the aforementioned  University
In 1996 she gave a Masterclass in Belcanto at the Los Andes University of Bogotá..

In the summer of 2000,2001 and 2002 she participated in the Majk Summer Masterclass, sponsored by the State Opera House of Hungary, where she teaches  vocal training and interpretation and style.  Since 2000, she gives  a course on vocal technique in Iceland., from July 20-August 10.

       Maria Teresa is first of all a singer, and therefore  constantly participates in the operatic scenes and concerts of Hungary and other countries. Today her voice is darker and voluminous a fact that allows her to also have a repertoire of mezzo`s leading parts such  as the Kindertotenlieder of Mahler, Verdi`s Requiem,and
Bach`s  Passion according to Saint Mathew. In the autumn of 2002  she sang Il Tramonto of Respighi, a work for mezzo and string quartet.

Several recording made by the Bartok Radio in Budapest shows us the talent of  Maria Teresa [ Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Strauss, Mahler, Ravel Debussy,Petrassi Gardelli, Purcell, Britten, Tippet, De Falla Montsalvatge, Mompou, Obradors, Canton, Orrego Salas, Ginasteras, Guastavino, Villalobos, Guarnieri, Ponce, Bartok B., Kodály, Farkas Ferenc, Soproni J. Bakki J. Kocsár M. Durkó Zsolt, Durkó Péter ] In 1993 she obtained the ARTISJUS  prize for her exellent interpretation of Hungarian XXth  century music.

Main roles

Mozart        Don Giovanni                Donna Anna
                   La Clemenza di Tito      Vitellia

Verdi           Forza del Destino          Leonora              

                    Aida                               Aida            

                   Ballo in Maschera          Amelia       

                   Don Carlos                     Elizabetta


                   Tosca                             Tosca        

                   Butterfly                          Cio cio san


Puccini        Suor Angélica     Hungaroton
Wagner          Parsifal                Hungaroton
Canciones de las Americas     Hungaroton
Lullabys and Christmas songs from Spain and Latin America – Private edition


Tony Palmer        Wagner
David Cronenberg    M. Butterfly